VeriGuide - Submit File and View Originality Report

Описание к видео VeriGuide - Submit File and View Originality Report

In this short demo, I will demonstrate how a student can submit assignment to the VeriGuide system (via the login link of After submitting the assignment, the student can view the originality report of it.


What are the supported file formats?
Microsoft Word (doc/docx), Excel (xls/xlsx), PowerPoint (ppt/pptx), OpenOffice, Adobe Acrobat PDF (pdf), web pages (html/htm), plain text (txt/rtf) and zip archives (zip).

What is "Assignment Number"?
The "Assignment Number" is usually given by the instructor, e.g. for the first assignment, ALL students should submit to "Assignment Number 1". In some schools, some teachers will use "Assignment Number" to pair with "Student Number".

How long will it take to generate the originality report?
From few minutes to 24 hours, and can up to 48 hours in peak period of submission. We will advice students to submit files earlier to avoid any delay.

Presented by: University Technology Limited


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