Dawson to Tok via Chicken, on the 'Top of the World Highway', and onward to Delta Junction

Описание к видео Dawson to Tok via Chicken, on the 'Top of the World Highway', and onward to Delta Junction

We finally leave Dawson on a beautifully sunny day and ride along the Top of the World Highway, firstly arriving at the Alaskan/US border then onto Chicken.
As we approached Chicken the dirt road got busier and busier and when we arrived we realised why, this weekend was the annual music festival held there, Chickenstock, the festival was over and everyone was starting to leave.
The road onward to Tok kept us interested as we passed huge camper van after huge camper van. The wildlife we had hoped to see had kept well away, as you might expect.
We arrived in Tok relatively early after stopping for a while at the river just before the town, and so got settled into our room at Young’s Motel on the Alaskan Highway, with Fast Eddys restaurant next door what more did we need.


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