那霸國際通漫遊 沖繩Kokusai-dori | 日本街頭巷尾Japan City Walkie

Описание к видео 那霸國際通漫遊 沖繩Kokusai-dori | 日本街頭巷尾Japan City Walkie


International Pass was first built in 1933. At that time, it was the shortest route connecting the former city center of Naha to Shuli City. The local people used to call it "Xinxian Road". When this road was built, there were few people around. After the Battle of Okinawa in 1944, the United States occupied the Ryukyu Islands. The U.S. military in Japan established the "Enny Pyle International Theater" next to this road. The local area gradually prospered, and the road name was also named "International Pass" with the International Theater. Okinawans also came here to do business, and department stores, shopping malls, etc. rose up. International communication became the most prosperous area in Naha, which is known as the "Miracle Mile" (Miracle of 1マイル).


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