LOTRO PvMP Captain ARAN - Arkenstone

Описание к видео LOTRO PvMP Captain ARAN - Arkenstone

No Heals(Pot, Noble Mark, CoF, SiN, RC, Pet Heal)
No CDs(OB, IHW, Banner)

Thanks to everyone I fought

-Kavinsky - Nightcall [Absalon Remix]
-After Dark x Sweater Weather
-VØJ, Narvent - Memory Reboot

LOTRO, Lord Of The Rings, LOTR, SSG, Rings of power, amazon, standing stones, BFME, mmo, mmorpg, rpg, Lordoftheringsonline, arkenstone, brandywine, crickhollow, evernight, gladden, landroval, laurelin, belegaer, gwaihir, sirannon, bullroarer, shadowfax, treebeard, beta, Pvp, Pvmp, Guardian, Hunter, Warden, Brawler, Captain, Mariner, Cappy, RK, Rune Keeper, Mini, Ministrel, LM, Lore Master, Champion, Burg, Burglar, Champ, brawler, Bear, Beorn, Beorning, Spider, Wolf, warg, reaver, ba, black arrow, defiler, war, moors, ettenmoors, Legendary item, 2h, 1h, sword, dagger, halberd, arrow, bow, crossbow, shield, armour, class, EU, DE, FR, EN, RE, US, RP, Dwarrowdelf, eldar, elendilmir, firefoot, gilrain, imladris, meneldor, nimrodel, riddermark, silverlode, snowbourn, vilya, windfola, withywindle, anduin, maiar, morthond, Vanyar, estel, steed, craft, crafting, kin, kinship, roleplaying, housing, raid, instance, aom2, aom, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, world first, epic battle, skirmish, adventure, forum, event, cosmetic, j.r.r. tolkien, tolkien, aragorn, legolas, gimli, gandalf, sauron, gollum, bilbo, baggins, arwen, frodo, galadriel, balrog, nazgul, saruman, elrond, samwise, gamgee, eowyn, boromir, faramir, meriadoc, brandybuck, theoden, tom, bombadil, eomer, denethor, glorfindel, radagast, treebeard, peregrin, took, witch, king, shelob, isildur, celeborn, elendil, grima, dain, ironfoot, eldarion, anarion, gamling, varda, beregond, bergil, bolger, forlong, elledan, elrohir, harry, potter, theodwyn, folcwine, bergil, smaug, thorin, oakenshield, kili, fili, thranduil, tauriel, balin, gloin, dwalin, bombur, bard, azog, bolg, thror, thrain, nori, dori, oin, yazneg, bofur, lindir, fimbul, ori, bifur, mithrandir, feanor, melkor, luthien, fingolfin, nolofin, nolofinw, nolofinwe, eru, hurin, turin, turambar, balrog, azog, bolg, beren, manwe, maedhros, earendil, finrod, thingol, celebrimbor, varda, maglor, finwe, gil-galad, melian, aule, turgon, ulmo, yavanna, finarfin, glaurung, isildur, celegorm, curufin, tuor, maeglin, idril, cirdani, ecthelion, mordor, gondor, minas, trith, osqiliath, morgul, u19, u20, u21, u21.2, u21.3, u23, u24, u25, u26, u27, u28, u29, u30, u31, u32, u33, u34, u35, u36, u37, u38, u39, u40, carn dum, angmar, rhun, harad, rohan, gundabad, umbar, daily, weekly, helms deep, bree, shire, spar, 1v1, 2v2, 2v1, 3v3, 3vs1, 6v6, 5v5, best, rank, rankfarm, clubber, one shoot, star, anfalas, trait, build, guide, red, yellow, blue, fire, dark, orc, troll, goblin, virtue, stat, crunch, tome, valar, isengard, legacy, turbine, standing stone games, amazon, evendim, pk, pc, movie, vs, quest, lp, tp, pet, dps, tank, agro, gambit, spear, jawelin, rune, main, threat, combat, man, hobbit, wizard, elf, high elf, dwarf, kill, death, ghost, soul, 105, 115, 120, 130, 140, 150, lvl, level, cap, vitality, might, agility, will, fate, mastery, tactical, damage, critical, physical, mitigation, update, defence, block, evade, parry, finesse, resistance, heal, healing, light, medium, heavy, points, freep, creep, buff, debuff, reputation, rating, renown, glory, infamy, monster, deed, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 , 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, iron hills, grey mountains, knight, CoS, Seregost, Thrang, sagroth, Gwathrenost, gwath, citadel, APO, HH, Hiddenhoard, doom, Summer, Winter, Abyss, server, solo, duo, trio, dragon, army, box, token, barter, ah, tier, Best Captain, Staut-Axe, Remmorchant, Sword, race, gender, change, Morgul, New, Solo, Duo, Group, Raid, farm, shard, essence, gear, set, axe, sword, grishnak, nolomir, nolo, Arannur, Aran, Aranx, glorfin, bilybo, Echoes of Angmar, Vendetta, Karnage, Birdwatching, Orion,


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