«Не ходите туда, очень опасно. Много деятельности картеля» — Мексика 🇲🇽 |S6-E90|

Описание к видео «Не ходите туда, очень опасно. Много деятельности картеля» — Мексика 🇲🇽 |S6-E90|

In this episode I get valuable information that I shouldn't ride my planned route through Zacatecas in Mexico because it's a very dangerous area. That means that instead of 400 kilometers of roads through the mountains, I have to ride 600 kilometers over the highway to avoid this area. Will I even make that in one day on a CRF300Rally?

Want to learn how to use drones, GoPros and 360 cameras to film your solo motorcycle adventure? Check out: www.itchyboots.com/academy

Here I teach all my filming techniques including getting drone shots while riding!

Gear & Equipment that I use in this season:

Follow my journey on: WWW.ITCHYBOOTS.COM
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Facebook:   / itchyboots  

#itchyboots #adventure #crf300rally


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