The Purpose of Twin Flame Union

Описание к видео The Purpose of Twin Flame Union

The Purpose of Twin Flame Union
Twin flame relationships are intense, sacred, and tumultuous. They are heart-to-heart connections between souls.
It can be extremely overwhelming to reconnect with your twin flame and often at these times we may ask ourselves "Why?" Why is this happening to me? ".
In fact, it's no coincidence that you experienced this amazing deep connection. So, what is it for?
Twin flame love is above all a service to humanity.


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This Work is written by Coach Christine Reno:
Hello, my name is Christine and I am going to share my big experience as a Twin Flame coach. My dream is to reach the international teaching the right information about the twin flames. I will explain everything about this topic to you. I really want all the world to reach an unconditional love level. You deserve that. So if you feel attracted to Twin Flame truth and you want to know more. Please listen to all of what I am going to say. You can ask me if there is a specific thing that doesn't seem obvious. However, no more sorrows, let go of all negativities and be Happy. You will meet with your unconditional love and unlimited Happiness. I have an honest intention to help reunite ( all :) = the maximum of the twin flame and we are going to help our earth by raising the vibrations of real love energy. Thank you for reading! You deserve real Happiness!
--- -- I am adding Feng Shui and energy advice to my Channel. Simply, everything and every question, you may find its answer here.
Thank you for reading!


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