Reef Tank Update - Happy Corals! Anemone On The Move! Dinos Not Again!

Описание к видео Reef Tank Update - Happy Corals! Anemone On The Move! Dinos Not Again!

Just another update on the reef aquarium - 40 gallon cube tank. Dinoflagellates returned. Acros frags poseidon tort, green stag, pink tip stag, miyagi tort, pc rainbow, ora pearlberry, and rainbow loom and forest fire montipora digitata have been placed in the rockwork and acclimating well to the tank. The sunburst bubble tip anemone has been on the move for the past few weeks. Toxic green splatter hammer continuing to grow and split heads.

Dinos were defeated once again using UV sterilizer Green Killing Machine. I think having nutrients nitrates and phosphates go too low again caused the dinos to return. Added Brightwell NeoNitro and NeoPhos nitrogen and phosphorus supplements also helped as well as increased feeding and manual siphoning of the dinos. In two weeks, dinos were once again eradicated from the reef.

Acropora corals from FishOfHex and GCorals have settled in nicely in their spots on the rockscape and are even starting to grow a little. Also added a small frag of purple tip hammer coral and ultra goniopora.

All-in-all the tank is currently doing pretty well.

My current reef tank equipment list is as follows. This system was purchased in used condition back in 2018.

40 gallon cube display tank (SCA I think starfire glass )
10 gallon sump
Ecotech Radion XR30 Gen 3 lights
Ecotech Vortech MP40 wavemaker
Both controlled via Reeflink
Upgraded SCA skimmer to Bubble Magus Curve 5
Upgraded Danner return pump to Jebao DCP 2500
Added DIY auto-top-off
Added Jebao 4-channel doser

Stopped dosing Fritz RPM 2-part alkalinity and calcium. Going to switch to kalkwasser.
Dosing Tropic Marin K+ and A- Elements for trace.
Just started dosing Dr Tim’s Waste Away and EcoBalance to increase bacterial biodiversity.


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