GEEKOM GT1 MEGA Mini PC Review - A real Desktop PC Replacement?

Описание к видео GEEKOM GT1 MEGA Mini PC Review - A real Desktop PC Replacement?

Taking a closer look at the GEEKOM GT1 MEGA Mini PC. Including opening it and checking the gaming performance!

Get the GT1 MEGA here:

· GEEKOM Official Website (USA):
Discount Code: Use code HUBGT1KOLUS for a 6% discount! (Valid until 04/15/2025)

· GEEKOM Amazon Store (USA):
Discount Code: Use code HUBKOLUS25 for a 6% discount! (Valid until 04/15/2025)

· GEEKOM Offizielle Webseite (Germany):
Rabattcode: HUBGT1KOL, für 6 % Rabatt! (Gültig bis 15.04.2025)

· GEEKOM Amazon-Shop (Germany):
Rabattcode: HUBWSGT1KOL, für 6 % Rabatt! (Gültig bis 15.04.2025)

00:00 Intro and Specs
01:33 Design and Built Quality
01:48 Ports
02:38 The 2 LAN POrts
03:14 The Performance Modes
04:55 Performance Benchmarks
08:24 AI Capability
09:22 Fan Noise
10:02 Gaming Benchmarks
11:51 Opening and the insides
17:19 The Price
17:46 Conclusion

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