mTracker 3D Tutorial - Creating a building fire effect from still pictures and videos - MotionVFX

Описание к видео mTracker 3D Tutorial - Creating a building fire effect from still pictures and videos - MotionVFX

In this tutorial you will learn how to use images and videos with mTracker 3D inside Motion in order to create 3D depth effects. This video shows many tips and tricks to optimise your workflow and get a perfect 3D track for your pictures and videos.

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00:00 Introduction.
00:11 Final project.
00:20 Extracting the 3D camera with mTracker 3D.
02:03 Adding pictures to the 3D group.
03:10 Tips for the creation of masks.
03:40 Adding mask.
04:16 Adding another picture.
05:00 Creating 3D depth and parallax effect with pictures.
06:55 Revealing background elements.
08:38 Adding damage effects onto the building.
10:13 Tips to get a perfect match with the Anchor Point.
11:40 Adding some fire elements.
14:04 Creating a fiery atmosphere.
16:02 Adding sparks.
16:59 Adding smoke.
18:28 Adding color correction with mFilmLook.
19:27 Final project.
19:32 Conclusion.

Cloud of Memories by Macifif:

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