
Описание к видео 【腌虾】爽口「百煮不老」「纯天然原料」

Due to YouTube technical issues, please watch the following 【Unmuted Version】
   • 【腌虾】爽口「百煮不老」「纯天然原料」  

我常常自问 :为何餐馆烹煮的虾都那么爽口?吃起来脆口弹牙,是否添加了一些不可告人的偏方?几经尝试,寻寻觅觅,终于让我掌握到了诀窍!绝对不含任何非天然合成物使之爽口!请观腌虾的全过程以及注意影片下方所提示的3窍门。欢迎交流、分享看法和意见。谢谢!

I often ask myself: Why the shrimp being served in restaurants are so "crispy"? Do the chefs put in any artificial additives? After several attempts and research, I finally got the knack! The ingredients are absolutely natural without any synthetics material! Please aware of the 3 tips being shown in the video. Welcome to share your opinion and comments. Thank you!


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