16-летняя девочка-сирота, зарабатывающая на жизнь продажей яиц, влюбляется в парня, который раньше б

Описание к видео 16-летняя девочка-сирота, зарабатывающая на жизнь продажей яиц, влюбляется в парня, который раньше б

Hello dear friends
My name is Ly Tieu Nuong. I am an orphan girl. My parents died early. I live alone in the forest, helping people look after their tents.
I really hope that in the future I will have a better life and a stable job because I am a girl from the highlands, life is very difficult and I have no place to rely on.
I thank you for taking the time to watch my video. I wish you a healthy and successful new year in life. Thank you very much
#lytulinda #lytutieu #lytieuca #lytunha #lytutien


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