Stock Clearance SALE Sarees at Old Washermenpet Kalanthar Madeena Textiles, 15 Days Only, Don't Miss

Описание к видео Stock Clearance SALE Sarees at Old Washermenpet Kalanthar Madeena Textiles, 15 Days Only, Don't Miss

Hi Friends in this video exploring the Stock Clearance SALE Sarees at Old Washermenpet Kalanthar Madeena Textiles, 15 Days Only, Don't Miss

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Shop Contact Details :
Kalanthar Madeena Textiles
73/82, M.C. Road, Old Washermenpet, Chennai - 600 021.
Tel = 044 2595 5827 / 89252 55827
Mob & whatsapp = 89252 55827

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