WHAT TO DO AFTER 12th | Get the Right Career Guidance After 12th - Brainwonders

Описание к видео WHAT TO DO AFTER 12th | Get the Right Career Guidance After 12th - Brainwonders

12th board results are one of the highlights of their school education, but it is also a stepping stone in taking the best step in the right direction leading to a successful career. Hence, Brainwonders presents the much awaited Marks2Career Test Platform with highly researched AI-driven results. The Marks2Career platform:
-Is easy to use
-Has swift action
-Highly accurate
All you have to do is register on the given link with your exam marks and you will have your top careers delivered to you!

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Video Description
Your exam results may be the destination of your education, but they are only the beginning of what your career can offer you! Let’s find out more…

Now that the 12th standard board results are out, there are 3 core areas of focus where students need some urgent and crucial guidance:

And not to forget- they are still dealing with social pressure and a lack of accurate information about current trends! And that is exactly where our Marks2Career test swoops down for some much-needed help!

We at Brainwonders- bring forward our much-awaited Marks2Career test, developed over 10 years of research and innovation by a team of 83 educators, psychologists, researchers, and career counsellors, who joined forces to sustain a future-oriented growth for many students.

As an AI-powered tool, Marks2Career offers quick and reliable results by translating the numbers printed on your result sheet to inspirational careers based on your reported strengths.
And guess what- utilising this amazing platform is as simple as A, B, C:

A: Access the test by registering your details on the form.
B: Bring out your score card and put in your marks in the relevant fields.
C: Checkout the top-recommended careers, courses, and colleges for you.

What’s more? Your results will be delivered quickly in under 2 minutes- right from an exhaustive bank of 507 careers from 108 bright industries! With so much to offer, it is easy to see why we have more than 1200 educational, 92 corporates, and 3 government bodies as our happy clients. Whether it is hospitality or manufacturing, finance or healthcare, retail or technology- your marks will lead you to the best careers open to you!

You can also contact us on the details given below for any further assistance you want!

We know your time is precious, and that’s why Marks2Career has been designed to deliver quick, accurate, and hassle-free results that give you the much-needed clarity, direction, and motivation for a super low, student-friendly price!

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