BEAR Implant Science Basics | Webinar with Drs. McMillan & Anthony | Miach Orthopaedics

Описание к видео BEAR Implant Science Basics | Webinar with Drs. McMillan & Anthony | Miach Orthopaedics

In this video, Dr. McMillan and Dr. Anthony go over the science behind the BEAR Implant as a treatment for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, examining a range of supporting evidence and research findings.

For the full webinar, "The Bridge to ACL Restoration. ACL Tear Location and the BEAR Implant: Size Doesn't Matter," visit    • ACL Tear Location and the BEAR Implan...  .

Shawn Anthony, MD
Associate Chief, Sports Medicine Service, Mount Sinai Health System
The Orthopedic Center at Mount Sinai West, New York, NY

Sean McMillan, DO
Chief, Orthopedics Director, Orthopedic Sports Medicine,
Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County, Cherry Hill, NJ

For more information on the BEAR Implant, visit

The BEAR Implant was cleared by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration through the De Novo Pathway. It is indicated for skeletally mature patients at least 14 years of age with a complete rupture of the ACL, as confirmed by MRI. Patients must have an ACL stump attached to the tibia to construct the repair. For full product and risk information, including indications, contraindications, warnings and potential adverse effects, see the Instructions for Use at

#ACLsurgery #ACLtear #BEARImplant #savetheACL

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