The Aftermath - Ep 2: Scattered to the Four Winds

Описание к видео The Aftermath - Ep 2: Scattered to the Four Winds

In the wake of January 6, there were immediate calls for en masse arrests of all individuals on the Capitol compound, and demands that every one of them be hauled into court to stand trial.

But our justice system does not work that way. The bedrock of our legal system is the due process of law. You can’t be tried for being part of an insurrectionist mob, only for the specific things that you did–or, more precisely, what prosecutors can prove you did.

January 6, is not one case, but thousands of cases. In this episode, we explore what happened inside the Department of Justice in the days after the Capitol Attack.

This is Season 1, Episode 2: Scattered to the Four Winds.

Originally released March 6, 2022.


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