Wearing Grips Socks for Soccer

Описание к видео Wearing Grips Socks for Soccer

As a soccer player you run a lot and change direction a lot!

Losing a split second on a turn can be the difference between winning the ball or losing the game.

Grip socks are one of those tools out there to give you that advantage over the next player.

If you don't have a clue what grip socks are or have heard of them but never tried them watch this video first 👉    • Soccer Performance Socks Review  

Now, let's talk about comfort....

Have you ever double socked?

I have and I absolutely hate it. So buying an extra pair of socks to wear with my soccer socks doesn't seem like a good idea....

BUT I want that added benefit of better grip when I change direction. That's where you have to get a little "DIY" and make adjustments so you can get your game fit right, so you can feel good & play good.

Your high quality soccer sock is going to get the snip but I promise everything is going to be okay.

Now your able to wear your grips socks with your team socks and compete at 💯!!!

Thanks for watching this video hope you liked it.

How do you wear your socks?

Do you use grip socks?

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