Passing the P0/P2 Head-On Final Exam - Solo Mutation: #37 Ulnar New Year - Alarak P2 (12/5/2024)

Описание к видео Passing the P0/P2 Head-On Final Exam - Solo Mutation: #37 Ulnar New Year - Alarak P2 (12/5/2024)

This mutation solo was performed under the conditions of TwoTuuu's Test Time rules. For an in-depth description of the test, please refer to TwoTuuu's Test Time associated with the commander being played.

Alarak's Test Time Video:    • [Test Time] Alarak  

Testing Rules (Credit: TwoTuuu)

-No Slim Pickings, Microtransactions, etc.

-Nothing the commander is generally bad against
(Zag VS Missile Command, Tychus VS Kill Bots)

-No insanely difficult mutations
(Aggressive Recruitment, Cold is the Void)

-No Cheese

-LV 15, 90 Mastery

-Regular solos rules (For full list, please refer to the Mutation Solo Community Spread sheet Solo Rules Tab) [I can't link it myself due to this channel being considered virginal, according to YouTube.]

-Can't load from replay after encountering enemy

-Can't use ally's base/resources

-Can choose enemy comp

Test Difficulty Descriptions (Credit: TwoTuuu)

Quiz - For anyone who wants to test their skills with the commander.

Midterm - Anyone with decent mastery of this commander should be able to pass this.

Final Exam - Even seasoned veterans may need a few tries.

Dissertation - Only players of the highest caliber can pass this.

Mutation Description: "It's a time for celebration, and Amon's starting it all off with a bang. Not only does he intend to overload Ulnar, he has outfitted his own minions with explosives as well. Make use of the resources being gifted to you and put a stop to Amon's plans."


Fireworks - Enemies launch a dazzling fireworks display upon death, dealing damage to your nearby units.

Lucky Envelopes - Festive envelopes containing resource pickups are dropped at random throughout the map.

Special Notes: P2, Submission for TwoTuuu's Alarak's Test Time

Commander: Alarak
Prestige: Tyrant Ascendant (P2)

-Empower Me cooldown reduced by 50%.

The Death Fleet is unavailable.

Masteries: 30 Alarak Attack Damage, 30 Empower Me Duration, 30 Structure Overcharge Shield and Attack Speed

Enemy Composition: Towering Walkers

Kimmo's Notes for the P0/P2 Head-On Final Exam: I experimented a lot with how to work around Fireworks. I tried to see if Blink Micro would be able to pull me through. I came close one run, but a reckless decision lost me that and I would never have another run that would come close with Blink Slayers.

A lot of research showed that Ascendents were the key for this. They can outrange Fireworks with good stutterstep Micro whilst casting abilities. Rapidfire is quite necessary for this strategy to work, however.

Quick tech to Ascendents as fast as possible and get their research. And if you feel confident to keep them alive, Havocs as well. They also increase the casting range of Ascendents and their spells.

Ascendents, unfortunately fall short in the structure damage department. If you have the patience to wait for them, you can go Wrathwalkers. But if you want more convenience, you can add Slayers. There's a few production structures that Amon makes use of by the locks so you have to kill some of them if you hope to lessen the resistance when pushing his territory to claim the locks.

If you have P0, you can potentially capture the locks quickly. But if you want to take your time and win through endurance, you can use P2. The waves come roughly every 2-3 minutes and with Empower Me's reduced cooldown, you'll have an Empower Me ready for every time there's an attack wave.

You can basically have an army of Supplicants and Alarak covering one side and Ascendents with Havocs and Supplicants covering the other.

Find your openings to go on offense and use your abilities in a timely manner. Those double-sided attack waves can really test your patience as you're struggling to take a lock.

If you don't believe you can prevent Amon from capturing a lock, let him. Give yourself time to build up and move in when you're actually ready. This came in handy for conserving forces and in turn, my bank.

I may have ended the run with a ton of resources and very long time, but since Fireworks are such a problem for Alarak, I consider that a solid win. Lock and Load is normally associated with speed, but since we're not trying to break any records, feel free to take your time. You literally have all the time and money in the world to make something happen.


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