
Описание к видео 英國後花園之「種瓜種菜」篇

移居英國,居住空間大了,空閒時間多了,大家都有時間整理花園。我們除了種花草之外,還種起瓜瓜菜菜來。瓜菜有收成時,不單有滿足感,還可以大飽肚腹,收成多的話,還可以與街坊鄰里分享瓜菜,實在「利人利己」。英國大型超市及Garden Center都會售賣各式各樣與種植有關的設備,真的是花多眼亂。今次影片記錄了我家後園的瓜瓜菜菜種植情況,目的是與大家分享種植的樂趣,先多謝大家收看。

After moving to the UK, I have a larger living space and more free time. Everyone has time to tidy up the garden. In addition to growing flowers and plants, we also grow vegetables and melons. When there is a harvest of melons and vegetables, not only do you feel satisfied, but you can also fill your belly. If the harvest is large, you can also share the melons and vegetables with your neighbors, which is really "beneficial to others and yourself". Large supermarkets and Garden Centers in the UK sell a wide variety of planting-related equipment, which is really confusing. This video records the planting of melons and vegetables in my backyard. The purpose is to share the fun of planting with everyone. Thank you for watching.

#hkers #bnovisa #loveuk #unitedkingdom #plantingintheuk #gardening #backyardplanting


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