Mario Kart Wii - Final Hacker Races

Описание к видео Mario Kart Wii - Final Hacker Races

DISCLAIMER: None of what is mentioned below is exactly what will happen, things might change.

Well after a huge period of inactivity, I've decided to just leave most of MKWii for good (I have Skype open / kinda active on it so feel free to IM me whenever and i'll respond as soon as I can) and trust me its a very difficult decision to make since most of you are my only friends. Believe me if I wasn't so busy in real life (and if that was not such a mess as well) and if the game wasn't as much of a mess as it is now I'd stay but its just too much for me to take anymore, with all the code leaks and stuff and just everything in general. I'm not leaving because of a particular person or event, just leaving because I have barely any free time left anymore. And who knows, maybe i'll come back some day for MK8, again, I don't know. All i can say is its been a fun 2.5 years and GGs all those times we ever raced, i'll never forget the memories.

If you want to race me again I plan to play sometime either next weekend or the weekend after, it'll be the one time i'll get on xat as well. I'll hack and legit and maybe record as well, I have no idea yet.

Anyway last few hacker races, testing out the no freeze online. Sadly it did DC/freeze/lag all the rooms I joined, oh well. Sorry for 4TW'ing lol. Just hope you enjoy. c:


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