The prophets of God often run into trouble by setting specific dates. HOWEVER, God Himself has set dates that Christians and Jews refuse to acknowledge. I give a brief description of how to find the beginning of God's year, using His calendar, then provide dates when we are supposed to observe His Appointed Times that are coming this spring. If you think you know details about the Great Tribulation (or any of God's plan), but you are not actively keeping God's Appointed Times, then you are mistaken. Obedience brings revelation. Revisit these commentaries as I correct errors and incomplete explanations. The one thing that Christians have completely right is that Yeshua died to remove the penalty of death from our record. Our past sins are forgiven after we give our lives completely to God and after we repent of our sins, starting a new life of overcoming sin. The one thing that the Jewish people have right is that the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings are the written record of God's instructions to us, and we are to obey them (that is, obey God by obeying His Teachings and Instructions). We can only know God by obeying Him. This makes the two Houses of Israel, Christians and Jews the Two Witnesses of our God. Once we except each others testimony as described in Ezekiel 37: 15 - 28, we will walk together as the Bride, and help Yeshua complete the task of producing the rest of the Firstfruits : the Attendants/Bridesmaids and the Guests of the Wedding. Not only is the Exodus out of Egypt a prophecy of the Great Tribulation Jubilee, so is the seven week count to the Feast of Weeks, starting from The Feast of Firstfruits. Leviticus 23, Deuteronomy 16, Numbers 28 + 29, Jubilees 6. As I pointed out, there is a striking parallel between the three groups of Firstfruits - the Bride, the Attendants, and the Guests, and the three groups in that first seven week celebration after Christ's resurrection. First are the 12 disciples picturing the 12 tribes of the Bride in Revelation 7: 1 - 8 (144,000). One disciple falls and is replaced, just as Dan falls and is replaced by Joseph (Ephraim). The first believers of 120 picture the Bridesmaids of 1,440,000 (10 times the Bride). The third group then is pictured by the 3000 added on the day of The Feast Of Weeks, picturing the 36,000,000 souls who will cross the Jorden on dry ground, at Gilgal, and see the same pile of uncut stones that the Israelites placed there 70 Jubilees (3500 years) earlier. These Guests of The Wedding will have proven themselves by finally becoming obedient to The Lord's Teachings and Instructions. Ezekiel 20: 30 - 44. Stay tuned for 'How the Tribulation Unfolds Part 2'. Bear in mind that these numbers represent the greatest rewards in the Kingdom. These are the Firstfruits. There are many other rewards, the least reward being your salvation only, as 1 Corinthians 3: 10 - 15 explains. The farther we look into the future plan of God, the more blurred the vision, BUT, if you have never kept any of the Lord's Appointed Times, then you will see very little. It is time for us to progress past being hearers of The Word only, and become doers also. Romans 2: 13. Agreement brings limited understanding. Obedience is followed by unlimited understanding. Psalms 1 - 150. Psalm 119 At minute 16:21, I had a verbal oops. I said one year rather than 3 1\2 years, as I should have. 3 1\2 times 365.2422 days per year = 1278.35 days (approx.) If we count the way God instructs us to, we have 1260 days for the same period. One of the requirements of revelation from God is that we keep His Word - that is, are we observing these eleven Appointed Times that reveal the Plan Of God? If you are relying only on eschatology taught by the Christian church, then you are in error, just as the church is. Obedience brings revelation, rather then listening to theologians for revelation. God uses many methods to bring revelation to us, but the greatest component by far is to simply be obedient. **For the most up to date information, go to episodes 306 - 341. I have proposed a solution for the mystery of 1335 days, and hope to carry on in future episodes. Join us in the count to the next Appointed Time for the Bride, September 23, 2024. The 1260 days are reserved for the preaching and teaching of the Two Witnesses, who are the Bride, made up of the Two Houses of Israel - Jews and Christians.
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