Elite III Jessica Cruz SOLOS Nightmare Bosses! (AI behavior Advanced tips) - Injustice Mobile

Описание к видео Elite III Jessica Cruz SOLOS Nightmare Bosses! (AI behavior Advanced tips) - Injustice Mobile

Nightmare mode is defeated with NO SKIPS on a Day 11 new account! Gears and team are all shown in the video. Was going to do this on a livestream, but couldn't wait as I knew from the previous stream that I was really close!

This is only possible based on knowledge of 2 key AI behavior:

1. The AI will not use specials if they are out of range/too far away - Push back from JC's combo ender maintains the distance between her and the enemy. Theoretically any card who is able to push back will achieve the same results.

2. The AI will always use basic attacks when you have the slightest of openings. This is crucial because if you just hold block, the AI will get into range and use a special. Blocking, letting go of block and then blocking again baits the AI to use basic attacks and not specials.


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