Why 98% of New Violinists Fail | 3 Habits of Successful Violinists

Описание к видео Why 98% of New Violinists Fail | 3 Habits of Successful Violinists

Okay, I chatted with my sisters to create this video. They're all also professional musicians. (violin, viola, and cello. Yes, we're a quartet too lol)
And these are the three things we noticed have stayed true over our 30+ year musical careers.

1. Play vs Practice. Some days you just don't feel like practicing! So don't! Just play. Play your favorite song. Make something up! It doesn't really matter. Just pick up your instrument and play it!
The 100 Hour Rule (I'll link the video about it at the end) says that if you just practice 16 minutes each day for 1 year, 100 hours, you'll be in the top 5% of performers! That's kinda crazy! We could all do just 16 minutes a day!

2. Listen! Listen to your piece on repeat everywhere you go! This is way underrated and might be one of the most important points in this video! I can't tell you how many times this has saved me in my career. It's also what the Suzuki method has been built off of is getting the music into your head and being able to play it better, faster, and more beautifully. I told a story in this video about a time in college when I didn't get a chance to practice one week for my professor BUT did listen to my song like a trillion times. I walked into my lesson and played my piece perfectly! Without practicing once because of how much I listened.

3. Join a community of musicians. Form a quartet with your friends. Whatever it might be. Being around other musicians will challenge you to level up and help with your sight reading skills. And also just make you a better musician! Google your area and see if you can find an orchestra already formed or make your own!

If you follow these three things, you will absolutely be a successful musician!

Violin I'm playing: https://kennedyviolins.com/products/l...

My holy grail bow: https://kennedyviolins.com/products/c...

The 100 Hour Rule video:    • The 100 Hour Rule | by Jay Shetty  


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