Rolled Oats Multi seeds Cranberries Bread (Easy tasty bread for beginners)

Описание к видео Rolled Oats Multi seeds Cranberries Bread (Easy tasty bread for beginners)

This Rolled oats Multi seeds Cranberries Bread is one of my husband's favourite breads !
It is super filling and rich with flavours .
We could just eat for breakfast or at any time just like that ,without anything else.
If you are a person who loves sweet bread , then this bread is for you. Because it has a little Sweet and nutty taste.

So here you go share with you the recipe .


200gm Bread flour
100gm Wholemeal Flour
50gm Rolled Oats
1 teaspoon of dry instant yeast
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of Molasses sugar
(You can use Liquid or regular coarse molasses )
30gm dry Cranberries
30gm Sunflower seeds
30gm pumpkin seeds
30gm Flex seeds
20gm Chia seeds
10gm black sesame seeds
270ml Water (Maybe another 30- 40ml more)



1. The water measurements may depend on the flour itself , my advice starts with 260 or 270ml first.And if you find the dough is too tough or dry ,simply add another water bit by bit.
But be careful not to wet. It will end up sticky .
The texture should be easy to knead and clean from the bowl just like a normal bread dough.

2. Resting time may depend on your house temperature and humidity , since this bread contains more wholemeal and sugar, it will make the dough rise faster , especially if you leave the place with high humidity, so please watch your dough carefully.

3.Just in case if you end up to much water and you end up with sticky dough.
Not to worry , no need to add more flour simply pour the sticky dough in the tin loaf , and let it rise and bake 😊.

4.If you can't take Molasses sugar , you can simply substitute it with honey , palm sugar ,coconut sugar , or dark brown sugar.

5.Oven temperature may depend on your oven ,you can bake with a fan on and you can also bake it without steam if you want to make it easier, I put a steam because I want the moist filling bread.

Last but not least Happy Baking

Do let me know in the comment if you need any help 😊

Thank you for watching



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