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An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film from 2006 by Al Gore. The year after it was released it was hauled in front of the UK high court, and found to be riddled with errors. What are these errors, and what can they tell us about climate science?
Kat's guest video: • The ultimate fluid mechanics tier list
Thomas' guest video: • The fatal flaw in The Martian's ending
1. https://elaw.org/content/uk-stuart-di...
2. https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploa...
3. https://www.theguardian.com/environme...
4. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science...
5. https://interactive.carbonbrief.org/p...
6. https://www.nature.com/articles/natur...
7. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.c...
8. https://www.geo.umass.edu/climate/tan..., note that Kilimanjaro is interesting: precipitation patterns have shifted, but this seems to be in response to natural climate change
9. https://www.nature.com/articles/s4159...
10. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/do...
11. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/s...
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Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
Some stock footage courtesy of Getty.
Edited by Luke Negus. Thanks to Matt Lazo for their work helping compile the literature for this project.
This video is about An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary film by Al Gore about climate change, global warming, carbon emissions and sea level rise. We talk through the Dimmock court case that led to a judge ruling An Inconvenient Truth was inaccurate in nine ways and changing its distribution to schools. Is An Inconvenient Truth propaganda? No, but Al Gore is making a political point in An Inconvenient Truth.
Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon: Quinn Sinclair, Ebraheem Farag, Fipeczek, Mark Moore, Philipp Legner, Zoey O'Neill, Veronica Castello-Vooght, Heijde, Paul H and Linda L, Marcus Bosshard, Liat Khitman, Dan Sherman, Matthew Powell, Adrian Sand, Stormchaser007 , Daniël Sneep, Dan Nelson, The Cairene on Caffeine, Cody VanZandt, Igor Francetic, bitreign33 , Rafaela Corrêa Pereira, Thusto , Andy Hartley, Lachlan Woods, Andrea De Mezzo.
Christian Weckner, Frida Sørensen, Ned Funnell, Corné Vriends, Aleksa Stankovic, Indira Pranabudi, Chaotic Brain Person, Simon H., Julian Mendiola, Woufff, Ben Cooper, Mark Injerd, dryfrog, Justin Warren, Angela Flierman, Alipasha Sadri, Calum Storey, Riz, The Confusled, Conor Safbom, Simon Stelling, Gabriele Siino, Ieuan Williams, Tom Malcolm, Brady Johnston, Rapssack, Kevin O'Connor, Timo Kerremans, Thomas Rintoul, Lars Hubacher, Ashley Wilkins, Samuel Baumgartner, ST0RMW1NG 1, Morten Engsvang, Cio Cio San, Farsight101, Haris Karimjee, K.L, fourthdwarf, Sam Ryan, Felix Freiberger, Chris Field, ChemMentat, Kolbrandr, , Shane O'Brien, Alex, Fujia Li, Jesper Koed, Jonathan Craske, Albrecht Striffler, Jack Troup, Sven Ebel, Sean Richards, Kedar , Alastair Fortune, Mat Allen, Colin J. Brown, Mach_D, Keegan Amrine, Dan Hanvey, Simon Donkers, Kodzo , James Bridges, Liam , Wendover Productions, Kendra Johnson.
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