Bold and Beautiful 4862 - Full Episode

Описание к видео Bold and Beautiful 4862 - Full Episode

Season: 19
Original Air Date: 7/31/2006

Eric tells Brooke that Ridge is not going to design for the Brooke’s Bedroom line anymore. Stephanie proposes that they drop the Bedroom line if Ridge isn’t going to design for that line anymore and even asks Brooke to give up her stock shares but Brooke declines and leaves to find Ridge. Donna is excited and nervous when Ridge talks to her at the showroom. Brooke interrupts to try to talk Ridge back into designing the Bedroom line. At the showroom press conference, Brooke announces that she will be stepping down as the spokesmodel for Brooke’s Bedroom but will remain CEO. Brooke and Ridge announce Donna as the new spokesmodel. Reporters question Donna and Ridge. Dante is still upset that Bridget doesn’t want a baby yet. Dante and Bridget argue about starting a family.


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