Qelbree Viloxazine and ADHD Treatment Philadelphia Offices

Описание к видео Qelbree Viloxazine and ADHD Treatment Philadelphia Offices

Qelbree (Viloxazine) is a newer ADHD treatment. It is not controlled like adderall, ritalin and similar medications, and has less potential for abuse, dependence, tolerance and withdrawal. It is taken once daily and lasts 24 hours. Unlike most stimulants, it takes 6 weeks to get the full effect (so it doesn't have the more "immediate" effect that adderall or similar medications have, which is one factor that decreases abuse potential. It is a capsule and it can be opened and sprinkled onto apple sauce or into water, if individuals do not want to swallow a pill. It's a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (like strattera or attomoxetine). Typical doses are 400 - 600 mg (with patients generally starting at 200 mg). Common side effects include insomnia, tiredness, headache, dry mouth and GI difficulties, but these side effects tend not to be problematic in most individuals taking it (some studies show only a 5% discontinuation rate due to side effects). It can increase heart rate and blood pressure, and so it is very important that patient have their vitals checked regularly (at psychiatric visits or with regular primary care appointments). Do not start, stop or change doses of this medication without speaking directly with your provider.

Dr. Pagnani is the Medical Director of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates in Philadelphia, PA and surrounding areas. Their practice has 25 Academically oriented provides and is now scheduling in-office and telemedicine visits.

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