Застольное/Song served to the table (video clip from Noisee Ai) Industrial Metal, Hard Rock

Описание к видео Застольное/Song served to the table (video clip from Noisee Ai) Industrial Metal, Hard Rock

А у меня сегодня день рождения!
Веселюсь как могу)

"На праздничный чай":
Сбер - 2202-2002-7259-3912

Логинов Сергей совместно с Suno Ai и Noisee Ai представляют!
Официальный нейро-клип от Noisee Ai на официальный нейро-трек от Suno Ai на официальное стихотворение Сергея Логинова).
Видео монтаж, эффекты и наложение готового звука выполнил в приложении YouCut.

Аудио версия на канале:
   • Застольное (Industrial Metal, Hard Rock)  

Текст оригинального стихотворения:

Standard translation into "broken English") Sorry)))
Verse 1
I am lonely, I talk to phantoms, my friends are invented by me at breakfast, and outside the window, it seems, different weathers are kilotons, but they are the same, all the same.

It seemed that I went out, slammed the room, looked at the house and the living street, but only the table, the same table along the contour, and I feel the same chair under my ass.

And outside the window, weather after weather. And on the window, flowers are imagined. Still the same table, like an enchanted board. Still the same tea with tap rust.

Verse 2
Illusion, deception, wherever you run, close your eyes, open them, and again in the room, and on the table there is cold tea and books, and, it seems, there was breakfast and acquaintances.

And I really want to run to the bedroom, cover myself with a blanket with faith in the best, that I will be done with mirages, and take a step into reality will work out.

And outside the window the weather is changing. And on the window flowers are imagined. Still the same table, like a bewitched board. Still the same tea with tap rust.


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