Emes - Original Song by Yaffa Palti | Official Music Video

Описание к видео Emes - Original Song by Yaffa Palti | Official Music Video

Sometimes the power is in the simplicity.
And sometimes we just need a reminder of this basic truth:
Hashem is the only Power that exists in this world.
Everything else is an illusion. Everything else is a distraction.
And sometimes we give power to those illusions and distractions.
Sometimes we give the power to our fears, to our anxieties, to our insecurities.
Sometimes we give the power to politics, to presidents, to our society.
And we let them control us.

Because whatever we focus on, that’s what we give power to.

So we can either give power to our fears and anxieties, we can give power to politics, to uncertainty,
we can give the power to Hashem.
And we can realize that Hashem is the ONLY power that exists in this world.

And now, ladies and ladies!
I present to you...EMES!!


**written, composed and sung with siaata dishmaya by me ☺️

**produced by the master producer and brilliant musician, Daniel Goldberg @theotherproducer


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