Overcoming Alcohol Addiction and Depression with Ayahuasca

Описание к видео Overcoming Alcohol Addiction and Depression with Ayahuasca

Our guest shares how he was guided to work with Ayahuasca to help overcome the alcohol addiction, depression and anxiety he had been experiencing. After having a family, he knew how important it was to finally release the addiction and to become a better father to his children and husband to his wife. With the support of his wife, he took the steps forward to commit to the Ayahuasca healing journey. He had very profound experiences during his ceremonies with Ayahuasca, gaining deep insight and wisdom about life. He is excited to return home and teach his children how to be in love with themselves and with life.

Nimea Kaya Healing Center - Peruvian Amazon
Learn more about our Ayahuasca Retreats: https://www.nimeakaya.org/ayahuasca-r...


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