Rabea Massaad’s Pedalboard | What’s on Your Pedalboard?

Описание к видео Rabea Massaad’s Pedalboard | What’s on Your Pedalboard?

More videos like Rabea Massaad‘s Pedalboard | What‘s on Your Pedalboard? 👉    • What's On Your Pedalboard? 🎸  

Learn more about what‘s on Rabea Massaad‘s pedalboard 👉 https://imp.i114863.net/MX3DnY

If you‘re wondering what video gear we use, check it out 👉 https://imp.i114863.net/Ke3qKv

Rabea Massaad recently showcased his trademark modern metal madness and tasteful playing at Sweetwater in a demo of some new products from Victory Amps, and we couldn‘t help but take a peek at the stellar stompboxes he brought along. Be sure to watch until the end as Bea dives into his rig, designed to mimic the “default“ tones found on many of today‘s boards.

Follow Rabea Massaad on social media👇

After you watch, check out Sweetwater.com today for all your music instrument and pro audio needs! 👉 https://imp.i114863.net/7mkGeV

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