Ruta Bética Romana - Santiponce english

Описание к видео Ruta Bética Romana - Santiponce english

Welcome to the Roman route of Andalucia. This significant route known as the "Roman Baética Route" passes today through fourteen cities in Andalucia, which during Roman times was known as Baetica. The area includes the provinces of Seville, Cadiz and Cordoba. It runs through the most southern province which was called "Roman Hispania" and includes territories which passed the old Via Augusta. In this Route the landscape is of great geographic and natural interest in the Natural Parks of the Subbética, the Bay of Cadiz and the Valley of the Guadalquivir.
From the 3rd to the 5th century AC. Baética was one of the territories annexed by the Roman Empire. Under Roman rule, this area was developed for olive oil, cereals and the Romanization of its inhabitants. This included the imperial powers of Trajano and Adriano, both who were born in this area.


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