which is good source of study book or youtube?

Описание к видео which is good source of study book or youtube?

I read books as well as watch YouTube on a regular basis to learn new things. I have observed that by reading a book, you can dive much deeper into whatever you want to learn. In case of YouTube, the learning is a bit quicker but not that in depth. However, if you are watching a YouTube video of a tutor/lecturer who is teaching you a particular subject/topic you are interested in, it helps you in understanding about the topic in a much better way, giving you a different perspective than what you would have got if you had read about it on your own in a book. So, I think if you want to start learning something completely new to you, start by watching YouTube videos and follow it up by reading about it. The Audio Visual learning experience combined with in-depth reading will surely enhance your level of understanding as well as retention of whatever knowledge you gain. For the topics you are already aware of, you can prefer reading books about them and later watch YouTube videos for recollecting whatever you have learnt and clearing the doubts if you had any.

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