100+ FREE After Effects Presets

Описание к видео 100+ FREE After Effects Presets

Get the most comprehensive intro to After Effects ever: https://jkinmo.com/bzqirr

After Effects has released over 100 new animation presets in the past few years, but unless you're digging through the presets folder and applying them yourself, you'd never know they were there! That's why I did the dirty work for you. I've consolidated each and every one of the new presets into a single project file divided into their own comps and organized by date and category for easy viewing and access. Don't sleep on these presets! They're masterfully crafted and ready to use in any project.

Download the project file: https://jkinmo.com/0nd2qe

I created the most comprehensive intro to After Effects ever. Join Launch Into After Effects today: https://www.jakeinmotion.com/launch-i...

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