Interprofessional Education for Interprofessional Socialization

Описание к видео Interprofessional Education for Interprofessional Socialization

Developing positive attitudes for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice is a key function of Interprofessional Education. With concurrent IPE during their uni-professional program, students identify both with their profession and as an interprofessional team member. This video covers the value of this dual dual identity development.

Free to use non-commercially with attribution

D'Amour, D. & Oanadasan, I. (2005). Interprofessionality as the field of interprofessional practice and interprofessional education: An emerging concept. Journal of Interprofessional Care S1, 8-20.

Khalili, H., Orchard, C. Laschinger, H. K. S. & Farah, R. (2013). An interprofessional socialization framework for developing an interprofessional identity among health professions students. Journal of Interprofessional Care 27(6), 448-453.

Research, Script, Voice, Animation & Editing:
Sarah Wilkinson, R Kin, PhD

Graphic Design:
Jodi Lewis

Concept Consulting:
Connie Evans, RN, MSN

Glory Be by Patrick Patrikios

Icons from The Noun Project:
Arrow by Yevgeniy Osovets
eyes by David Ernesto Veloz Rodriguez
Lock and Key by b farias

Video from Videvo:
Cement Worker Using Trowel by The muse

Photograph of Humber College:
#3290 from the Humber Image Bank


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