Hampton Inn In Bartlesville Reopens After Tornado

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The Hampton Inn in Bartlesville is reopening on Friday after the tornado damaged some of the property. 

The owner says they are grateful the damage wasn’t worse and, most importantly, no one got hurt. 

The roof of a nearby business was surrounding the hotel, and 2x4’s pierced into the side of the building. 
Owner Mark Patel says the hotel is fine structurally, and the damage could have been a lot worse. 

“A few of the windows busted out; the other major damage is on the first floor where the AC unit from Gan’s Mall blew into the building,” he said. 

Sixteen rooms are closed right now while the carpet is being replaced in the hallways because of the glass that blew in. 

Director of Operations Heather Cain says it takes a lot of work to reopen so quickly. 

“Once the restoration crews get done or far enough along where it’s safe enough for our team to come in, all the rooms had been occupied, so we had to get those clean and ready to go,” she said. 

Cain and Patel both say it’s been tough because guests think the hotel will be closed for much longer and are canceling their rooms. 

But Patel hopes word will get out that their doors are open. 

“We’ve lost a fair bit of business and some for June, but hopefully we will recoup,” he said. 

He says guests can call to book or go online.


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