BONES| Funny Scenes

Описание к видео BONES| Funny Scenes

Song: Inner smile - texas
I do not own anything. BONES is FOX's property.
No copyright infringement needed.
-Is that your costume?
-Ahh yeah
-It's sexually alluring
-Thank you! I'm catwoman, the superhero, one of the most powerful female superhero figures
-I don't think so.
- Are you kidding? Catwoman?
- Can you fly?
- I have 9 lives!
- Super strength, super speed, force people to tell the truth?
- I think i'm pretty fast.
-Pretty fast is not super speed.

-Kids yet?
-No but we want a house full
-Yes! We have intercourse every chance we get!

-That's why we need the MRI at Bethesda
-Shhh you scream , i'm right here

-You know that you are all under arrest! Right?

-Oh i love this part! And yet i shall awake memories of love and crime and death.

-Phalanges! Phalanges ! Dancing phalanges

-Sometimes when i don't have clean underwear i go commando

-Would you like a towel?

-Hey! So you are afraid that when i look at you in the morning i'll have regrets?
- That would never happen.

- You must be a squint
- I'm not familiar with that term
- Squints, you guys squint when you look at things, you just...

-I find i'd like to hug you
- Lets go back to the jeffersonian, ahhm why are you staring Bones?
- I prefer you don't leave us alone together.

-What do you thing?
-Ok , pellet diameter indicates female with strong muscle attachments suggesting free range, hairline fracture to the tibia tarsus indicating that she struggled as her feet were strained prior to her head being separated .

- Highly improbable, statistically approaching the impossible.
-Sometimes when you speak, it's like you watch PBS on purpose.

-Koutsikou? (no idea how to spell it :P)
Oh no no, no need to fuss ,obviously something is upsetting you, you would have toys.You must have some. No, elephants are not purple, this is wrong.

-Prodigious saliva production...

-How about some visual and auditory stimulation?Phalanges phalanges phalanges! Dancing phalanges! Dancing phalanges! Booth thinks the bones are dry and boring... show me your phalanges!!

- I am FBI, not a stupid guy who changes your stinky diapers

-Oh we have to remove the clothing.
-There might be particulates.

- Look! A pile of porn!Delicious! Give me a peak Booth!

-It's the first confrontation between a man and a dinosaur
-I'm the man!
-Thanks for the hint.

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