The Nebbs Situation Comedy Radio Shows "Halloween Surprise".
Title: Nostalgia Time. Radio Classics.The Nebbs 40s Radio Shows. Situation comedy. Comic strip. Comedy show. Sol Hess
The Nebbs Situation Comedy (1945- 1946)
The Nebbs was written by Sol Hess and famous in 1940s when domestic comedy is a perennial favorite in all media.
The name Nebb comes from "nebbish", a Yiddish word for the sort of person who doesn't stand out in any way. The Situation comedy radio series were fabulous adventure with Dad Rudy, Mom Fanny, teenage Daughter Betsy and young Son Junior. The radio series stars Kathleen and Gene Lockhart as Rudy and Fanny Nebbs, Ruth Perrott, Francis "Dink" Trout, and Dick Ryan. The announcer of the programs was Tom Dixon and the show sponsors were Syntex & Los Angeles Times.
Each situation comedy series followed the daily lives of comic book characters or its era and based off the popular and beloved comic strip characters of Sol Hess.
According to WikiPedia, Sol Hess lived between October 14, 1872 – December 31, 1941. He was a comic strip writer best known for creating the long-run strip The Nebbs with animation artist Wallace Carlson. Born on an Illinois farm, Hess moved with his parents to Chicago, where a short time later, his father died. He took a job as a traveling salesman for a wholesale jewelry company and became a successful jeweler with Rettif, Hess & Madsen, a prominent firm. The company office was located near the Chicago Tribune, and Hess became friendly with the Tribune journalists and comic strip cartoonists. Heard on the Mutual Broadcasting System in 1945,
"The Nebbs" was a 1945 Situation Comedy which aired on MBS-KHJ Los Angeles, every Sunday Night.
/ @nostalgiatime
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This video is about Nostalgia Time. Radio Classics.The Nebbs 40s Radio Shows. Situation comedy. Comic strip. Comedy show. Sol Hess
"Halloween Surprise".
• Nostalgia Time. Radio Classics.The Ne...
• Nostalgia Time. Radio Classics.The Ne...
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