Why are business rates so confusing and what’s changing for Revaluation 2017

Описание к видео Why are business rates so confusing and what’s changing for Revaluation 2017

Simon is Lead Partner the Business Rates Consultancy at Vail Williams LLP. A general practice surveyor he can advise occupiers and landlords on general Landlord and Tenant matters such as rent reviews, lease renewals and re-gearing of leases and he also has commercial property and land for owner occupiers clients in West London. Simon is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (“FRICS”), a member of the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (“IRRV”), an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (“ACIArb”) and a Fellow of the Institution of Commercial and Business Agents (“FICBA”).

The webinar provides an explanation of the rating process – the basics and concentrating on how they have evolved and why they are so confusing and difficult to understand. Simon then runs through a simple valuation of an office valuation in London and the corresponding rate demand to show the ‘elements’ in their construction and explain how the bill is calculated. The webinar reveals how this is surprisingly interesting when it’s properly explained. Although FDs and CFOs will understand, the majority of rate payers really don’t!


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