Before Renault Magnum - Virages VE10 + AE/Ligne11 picture from old magazines '80/'90s

Описание к видео Before Renault Magnum - Virages VE10 + AE/Ligne11 picture from old magazines '80/'90s

Some rare photos from my collections of magazines from the 80/ 90's + couple fabric photos (VE10) ,but used by editorial offices of many newspapers and magazines.
I chose the truck pictures in fabric livery for demo/show ,test or commercial.
All photos after my own computer processing for better quality.
In the right corner of the publication year the photos.
Video show way to birth legendary Renault Magnum truck.
First (from 1981) there was a program called "VIRAGES" * , with built and tested in 1985 Renault VE10 ** .
After fabric tests , in years 1986-87 he made a journalist tour around Europe.
Second program called "Ligne 11" (from 1982) ended main phase in spring 1987 ,when pre-production of new trucks starts .
Public premiere trucks from Ligne program takes place in may 1990 as Renault AE ***.
On the video most Renault AE photos from may-june 1990 - trucks still have French black test license plates.

Music : Alexander Pierce - "Cosmic dream" + "Moonstruck"

* V.I.R.A.G.E.S. = Véhicule Industriel de Recherche pour l’Amélioration de la Gestion de l’Energie et la Sécurité.
(commercial vehicle for research into the improvement of energy management and safety)
** Véhicule Expérimental 10 litres
*** AErodynamique

More photo/picture from magazins '70 - '90s :
   • Trucks and buses in old magazines '70...  

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Concept truck ,prototype ,future truck ,Renault v8, Magnum AE500 , AE520 , E-tech ,exhibition,lkw,lastbil,camion,lorry,old truck,old trucking,ciężarówka,premiera,pierwsze,
old trucking,alte lastwagen,camion,lkw fahrt,test,lastebil,exhibition,lastwagen,teherautó,caminhão,卡車,nákladní auto,vrachtwagen,sunkvežimis,грузовик,грузавік,вантажівка


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