Dyed iChalk feat Fresh Magic Dust by ​⁠

Описание к видео Dyed iChalk feat Fresh Magic Dust by ​⁠



I don’t know how this happened but I’ve suddenly become a chalk hoarder. I always used to crush everything I had as quickly as I could. But these days, seeing how certain textures are scarce on the market I’ve started making sure I try to keep a block or two of a box of two of each type of chalk. The only mistake I made was that I didn’t keep any OG strengthshop blocks 😭😭😭😭😭!

Anyway long way to say I’ve had these magic dust blocks for months and I’m so thankful because this texture was so good. Very much giving soft D chalk vibes. I only have one box left 😭😭😭😭!

Then my beloved dyed ichalk. Honestly gives me OG strengthshop vibes. It’s easy to crush and just super nice and powdery. Bad news is that they said they can’t make my modifications so gotta take it as it is. I’m not mad, just wanted it to be as best as possible but this is great too. You come accross super soft ones and then some are little crunchier but always pretty nice and easy to break up.

I like the colours here. All in all a very very enjoyable crush. 💕💕



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