
Описание к видео #AimiGPT

“Can ChatGPT diagnose me?” How Large Language Models Will Transform Clinical Care took place on April 27, 2023.

A high percentage of patients currently use online search engines to self-diagnose when they experience new symptoms. In what ways does ChatGPT/LLMs change how a patient interacts with online health information to make decisions about whether to seek care or not?

PANEL 1: Direct-to-Consumer Uses of ChatGPT/LLMs: How might LLMs transform a consumer’s ability to better diagnose and manage their health conditions?

Daniel Yang - Program Director, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Moderator)
Andrea Downing - Founder, The Light Collective
Eric Horvitz - Chief Scientific Officer, Microsoft
Nabiha Syed - Chief Executive Officer, The Markup

This event is co-hosted by the Stanford Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging (AIMI) and Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) and co-sponsored by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and GSR Ventures.

Learn about upcoming events here: https://aimi.stanford.edu/events


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