Grow faster with the Beginner to Gigging METHOD

Описание к видео Grow faster with the Beginner to Gigging METHOD

→ Go from total BEGINNER to nailing songs and GIGGING with a band in 6 steps - by following a 30-minute-a-day proven system.

“Am I growing as fast as I’m supposed to be growing?”

Too many new drummers begin to doubt their progress because they feel like they’re not growing as fast as others.

But what are the mile markers? Where are the goal posts? How can you REALLY measure your progress and objectively KNOW if you’re on track?

The secret is… you have to have a METHOD that you’re following.

WITH a method, drumming growth is inevitable, you become unstoppable, and you master the drums.

(Put above sentence on screen, then below sentence separately immediately afterward)

WITHOUT a method, you’re scattered, failing to grow over the long term, and you most likely end up giving up without ever realizing your dream.

But this won’t be you, because you’re going to take action on the method I’m teaching you today, which shows you exactly how to get from Beginner to ready-to-play-with-a-band (and beyond) in 6 steps. YOU CAN DO THIS!

I believe that ANYONE can learn the drums, and I believe you’re far more capable of becoming a great drummer than you think you are. Don’t sell yourself short! SUBSCRIBE for more Non Glamorous videos that get straight to the point of solving drumming frustration. Stay Non Glamorous, Everyone!

Check out for more content, including free e-guides designed to fast-track your drumming progress!


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