Pink Tank Project- Cassie's Story

Описание к видео Pink Tank Project- Cassie's Story

Sgt. Cassie Mecuk was diagnosed with breast cancer at only twenty-four years old. After going through chemo and radiation she found another lump during a self exam which prompted then more chemo and radiation. Recent testing has unfortunately reveled that the cancer has metastasized. Cassie refuses to live like she has an expiration date, and she continues to amaze and inspire others in many ways.

The Pink Tank Project was developed to raise breast cancer awareness among Minnesota National Guard Soldiers and Airmen and the general public.

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. The Pink Tank Project demonstrates that our Soldiers and Airmen are equally as likely to be identified with breast cancer as the general public.

By becoming a member of the Pink Tank Project, you are making a promise to yourself to conduct monthly breast self exams and mammograms as directed by your health care provider. By liking our page, you will receive monthly reminders to conduct your breast self exam. Help us raise awareness by liking us on facebook at and sharing the page with your friends!


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