Описание к видео GIOVANNI FELICE SANCES: Usurpator tiranno PDF SCORE

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Composed by Giovanni Felice Sances: Usurpator tiranno. Cantada a voce sola sopra il basso della Passacaglie. From Cantade a voce sola, Libro Secondo, Venezia, 1633.

María Cristina Kiehr, soprano
Concerto Soave


Let another be usurper, tyrant
of your freedom, Lilla.
That from your commands
my love has no loss or hurt.

The jealous lover can assure that
I do not hear you, my love, nor see you;
my sighs will be
in spite of the constant lover.

He may assure that I be
an exile from your love and from your heart
but he cannot make my heart
ever abandon your love.

Although he cries out his disdain
in his passion
the fool cannot stop me loving you
even if you do not love me.

What use is it that my rival cannot
prevent me desiring you
if adoration and love cannot
stop me loving you?

The aim of your pleasures
is now a new lover, handsome and happy,
to whom your wish allows and permits
the secret accents of the heart.

Whatever happens,
I will adore, as I have adored, your name,
your eyes, your hair, will be both light and bonds to my heart.

Be cruel then, Lilla,
try me with anguish and suffering:
the years will give me nothing else
but the reputation of faithfulness.


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