有人在替你祈禱Someone Is Praying For You(史茵茵)-台語

Описание к видео 有人在替你祈禱Someone Is Praying For You(史茵茵)-台語

Someone Is Praying For You
是不是你的祈禱 漸漸氣力要無
Si m̄ Si lí ê kî-tó chiam chiam bē bô
When it seems that you've prayed
'til your strength is all gone

流目屎傷心淚流 親像雨水
ba̍k-sái-lâu siong-sim lūi-liû chhan-chhiūⁿ hō͘-chúi
and your tears fall like raindrops
all day long
主同款可以了解 你實在的情形
chú tâng-khóan ē tâng liáu kài lí cha̍t-chāi ê chêng-hêng
Jesus cares and He knows just
how much you can bear
祂會吩咐 別人替你祈禱
i ê hoan-hù pa̍t-lâng thè lí kî-tó
He'll speak your name
to someone in prayer

是不是你的環境 充滿試煉煩惱
Si m̄ Si lí ê khôan-kéng chhiong-bóan chhì-liān hôan-ló
Have the clouds 'round you gathered
in the midst of a storm
親像船出大海 危險失蹤
chhan-chhiūⁿ chûn chhut tōa hái gûi-hiám sit-chong
Is your ship tossed and battered
Are you weary and worn

那時準有人為你 暗中替你祈禱
hí-sî-chūn ū-lâng ûi lí àm-tiong thè lí kî-tó
Don't lose hope someone's praying
for you this very day
你要安靜 主要賜你平安
lí tiò an-chēng chú bé sù lí pêng-an
And peace be still
is already on the way

有人在替你祈禱 有人在替你祈禱
ū-lâng teh thè lí kî-tó ū-lâng teh thè lí kî-tó
Someone is praying for you
Someone is praying for you
有時準你寂寞孤單 心內失志真絕望
ū-sî-chūn lí che̍k-bo̍k ko͘-tan sim-lāi sit-chì chin cho̍at-bāng
And when it seems you're all alone
and your heart would break in two
ài-kì-tit ū-lâng teh thè lí kî-tó
remember someone is prayingfor you

With prayers and deep desires
making requests at all times in the Spirit
and keeping watch
with strong purpose
in prayer for all the saints


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