Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga In Vedic Astrology

Описание к видео Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga In Vedic Astrology


What is neecha bhanga raja yoga? neecha bhanga raja yoga is simply a yoga or combination of planet that occurs in a birth chart which cancels the debilitation of a planet. If for example, Sun is debilitated, then the lord of the sign in which sun is debilitated or in lord of the sign where Sun is exalted in must be in houses 1, 4, 7 and 10 in the birth chart or from the moon, as in 'Kendra' from the ascendant or the moon. This causes the planet to not act debilitated but rather kingly. However, there is a misconception to that, if the debilitated planet is in the upachaya house, like 3, 6, 10 or 11 then the neecha bhanga raja yoga is confirmed, but if n any other place, then the effects are not so strong, but people think neecha bhanga raja yoga 100% cancels all the effect of the planet, which is not true. Even having a neecha bhanga raja yoga the native still suffers in personal life although life. Like sun for i.e., if Sun is debilitated and is receiving a neecha banga, the person could still have bad relationship with the father, or father and sun could be separated at an early age and the native would still suffer from low confidence, low self teem even though they are at a higher position in life. What neecha bhanga raja yoga really does is that it gives strength to the native to steer along the hardship that are dealt with per the debilitated planet. Even though the person could be a CEO of a company, he would still suffer from low confidence and esteem internally.


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