King's Quest - IBM PCjr Real Hardware 60fps Playthrough

Описание к видео King's Quest - IBM PCjr Real Hardware 60fps Playthrough

This is a playthrough of the IBM PCjr. version of King's Quest. This is the first published version of this game, and it is being captured from my real IBM PCjr.

I am using the composite video and audio outputs from my PCjr. Although it isn't a digital RGBI capture, it does give a reasonable visualization of how this game looked for many people. I chose this version over the IBM PC or the Tandy 1000 version because the composite colors look the nicest and it is the earliest version.

I tried to get a perfect score, but I missed a few points by not leaving the dragon's and giant's lair the way I came and by using the invisible ring. I try to earn those points toward the end of the game, but I failed.

Also, the music and sound effects do not play after the opening fanfare until about 17:30. This version has some unique "music" not heard in the PC and Tandy 1000 booter versions or the DOS installable versions to follow. The character's name in this version is "Sir Grahame". By the later versions he becomes the familiar Sir Graham.

Additionally, when I enter the witch's house for the first time, I spend a few minutes waiting around, so you probably will want to advance the video ahead by a few minutes. She does not always show up when you want her to.


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