Gas Range Igniter Glows Won’t Light - Top 3 Reasons & Fixes - Kenmore, Whirlpool, Frigidaire & more

Описание к видео Gas Range Igniter Glows Won’t Light - Top 3 Reasons & Fixes - Kenmore, Whirlpool, Frigidaire & more

Gas Range Igniter Glows But Won't Light? - Top 3 reasons and EASY DIY instructions to get your Gas Range back to working order.

Reason #1 - Oven Igniter: The igniter in modern gas stoves opens the gas valve and helps ignite the gas when the unit is powered on and the knob is turned. The igniter draws electricity that helps heat it up to a glow, which then sparks to ignite the gas, creating the response in the burner of lighting up and providing cooking heat.

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Reason #2 - Oven Safety Valve: There is a gas valve, or safety shutoff valve, in every gas oven. This is responsible for making sure that gas isn’t released until the igniter is at the correct temperature. It's uncommon for this part to fail, but it can happen.

Reason #3 - Gas Pressure Regulator: This part reduces and regulates the incoming gas pressure so that the range can work properly. They can be found on the back of the range or inside the oven by the safety valve. If the regulator is damaged or not working in any way, it could stop the flow of gas and result in the igniter being unable to light properly.

The 'Top 3 Reasons Your Gas Range is Igniter Glows But Won't Light' video covers all major brands of Gas Range, including: Whirlpool, Samsung, Kitchenaid, GE, LG.

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