A Doctor Who Villain-Tine 2022 - Evil Love (Master/Rani)

Описание к видео A Doctor Who Villain-Tine 2022 - Evil Love (Master/Rani)

My second attempt to make a Valentine's Day fan vid for my favorite Doctor Who ship that doesn't get enough love (with one reason it had only one story for screen time 😭), and hopefully this time the clips are short enough that it won't upset the BBC (I still wish you could see the first one...). This is one is set to "Evil Love" from Phineas & Ferb. Yes I know I'm not supposed to ship it, and I don't care. RIP Anthony Ainley and Kate O'Mara, who should've gotten to do more than one story together as these two 💔💔💔💔.

Clips from The Mark Of The Rani (with bits from Spearhead From Space and Logopolis), Doctor Who © BBC
Song © Disney


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