Fear The Dunya (Worldy Life)

Описание к видео Fear The Dunya (Worldy Life)

Audio can be downloaded here: http://www.salafisounds.com/fear-the-...

Talk by brother Hasan as-Somalee on the Dunya (worldy life) and how it has deceived many of the Muslim youth, who are too preoccupied with chasing the vain pleasures of this transient life, whether it be women, cars, amassing wealth (such as through illegal means i.e. drugs), etc.

Al-Qâri'ah (the striking Hour i.e. the Day of Resurrection), (1)
What is the striking (Hour)? (2)
And what will make you know what the striking (Hour) is? (3)
It is a Day whereon mankind will be like moths scattered about, (4)
And the mountains will be like carded wool, (5)
Then as for him whose balance (of good deeds) will be heavy, (6)
He will live a pleasant life (in Paradise). (7)
But as for him whose balance (of good deeds) will be light, (8)
He will have his home in Hawiyah (pit, i.e. Hell) (9)
And what will make you know what it is? (10)
(It is) a fiercey blazing Fire! (11)

[Surah Al-Qaria, chapter 101]

#Dunya #HasanSomalee


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